Myers Construction

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Job Description
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Thank you for considering Myers Construction for your future employment. We are a small construction firm, therefore, we know what it is like to work to make a living. As an employee of Myers Construction, you will always be shown appreciation and respect. It is much easier for us to make a living if we spend an appropriate amount of time and effort helping our employees make a living. You can be assured that every person of authority has spent time digging ditches, carrying plywood, and cleaning the site.

Whether you are an accomplished carpenter or a beginner, full time worker or part time, there are many benefits to working for Myers Construction. As a beginner, not only do you receive a fair wage and plenty of work, but you also receive on the job training which will prove invaluable later in life, regardless of whether you consider construction a career or just a short term income provider. Carpenters can also enjoy a fair wage and advancement toward a foreman position where benefits may include profit sharing and a company truck to drive.

If you are interested in a position a Myers Construction, please contact us.
Thank you.